Ispo 2018 Banner, ispo 2018, mountain moments werbung, had originals, schlauchtücher, bufftücher

Ispo 2018 Banner bei Had Originals: Die Ispo ist der Schmelztiegel der Outdoorsport-Branche. Noch (die Tendenz sagt auch hier: Internet statt teure Messe) versammeln sich hier jährlich die meisten Branchenvertreter und machen ihre Saisons- und Jahresdeals und nach genügend Freibier fällt dann auch keinem mehr auf worum es eigentlich geht und alles sind solange glücklich, bis der unvermeitliche Morgenkater in die Realität zurückführt.


Look around and freeze the moment, time flies, canada , snowy hills, canada forest, forest hills snow, snowy forest, british columbia, bc snowy hills, bc snow

Time flies. Moments may, by any standard definition, only last a short period of time. A blink of an eye, maybe seconds. When travelling it’s easy to be overwhelmed with all the new input you get in a short period of time – “time flies” a german proverb says. Sometimes it’s worth it to stand still, take a deep breath, look around and enjoy what’s around you.


Bild des Monats, picture of the month, Januar Bild january picture, new years eve, new year innsbruck, innsbruck new year, firework, firework innsbruck, feuerwerk innsbruck, innsbruck feuerwerk, Neujahr Innsbruck, Innsbruck Neujahr, Feuerwerk Innsbruck Bild

Die Silvester und Neukahrsfeierlichkeiten sind wohl auf der gesamten Welt DER Tag, auf den viele Hinfiebern. Ganz besonders atemberaubend finde ich das jährliche Feuerwerk zu Silvester in Innsbruck. Unser Bild des Monats Januar.


common mistakes in landscape photography, mistakes landscape photography, landscape photography, algarve foto, photo algarve sunrise, sunrise algarve, sunrise mediterranean, sunrise portigal, level horizon photography

In landscape photography you see people usually doing the same mistakes over and over. Don’t be that guy and use this short list and avoid these six common mistakes in landscape photography and outdoor/travel photography.


break the rules, Break the Rules and Grow with your Photography, break the rules in photography, western irealand, wild atlantic way, photo tipp, photo tips, Kerry Way, Dingle peninsula, Dingle

Break the Rules and Grow with your Photography! Rules in photography are there for a reason. They developed over time, they give some sort of a secure path to follow and if you follow them, your pictures improve and you usually are not bad off. In this article i will give a hands-on example to better understand why you will grow with your photography when you break the rules.
